Devour Recipes

Symptom Recipes

  • Smoked Pork Belly Tacos
    TX Brew and Barbecue’s Ty Sherrell

Attention Attention Recipes

  • Tips and tricks
    • 1. If you prefer less heat, remove the seeds from the habaneros or use less. I won't disown you if you use milder peppers like jalapenos, but I will be disappointed. Kidding.
    • 2. If you don't have access to a grill use your broiler. Just be aware that your whole house will smell like fish.
    • 3. If you don't have access to a fresh red snapper use whatever is fresh and whole at your local fish monger. Such fish as grouper, Mahi-Mahi, and sea bass also make great fish tacos. Express yourself. You could even marinate some fresh shrimp and make grilled shrimp tacos.
    • 4. The pico and crema can be made a day in advance. Just keep them in the fridge and pull out the pico 30 mins or so before you cook the fish and allow to come to room temperature.
    • 5. Cooking a whole fish can be challenging. Make sure to liberally oil cooking grates and the fish before grilling. When you put it on the grill leave it alone as much as possible turning only once hopefully. If it is sticking give it a little bit more time on that side to release from the grate. If a little sticks, don't stress it, it will still taste amazing.
    To Serve
    • - Corn Tortillas
    • - Lime wedges for serving
    • - Shinedown Attention Attention Mango Habanero Sauce of course
  • Lets make a drink!
    • 1. Prepare the rim of your drinking vessel by running a lime around the rim of your glass. Dip the rim in your preferred seasoning, and set the glass aside.
    • 2. In a cocktail shaker, combine tequila, triple sec, lime juice, mango puree, agave syrup, and Attention Attention Mango Habanero sauce. Add ice to the shaker and shake it like you're in a mosh pit for about 20 seconds until well chilled.
    • 3. Time to serve this libation. Fill your drinking vessel with ice. Strain the Margarita into your vessel. Garnish with a lime wedge and slice of mango
    • 4. Proceed to drink and be merry. Cheers!
    Tips and Tricks
    • 1. It's your drink, use more or less hot sauce to your liking.
    • 2. Make a frozen version if you prefer. Get out your blender or margarita machine, add ingredients and Ice, blend until it's a beautiful frozen masterpiece.
    • 3. Habanero is in the name. If you're feeling bold garnish with a slice of a habanero.
    • 4. Drink with friends but always responsibly. Don't be that person. We all Know that person
    • - 2oz of your favorite silver tequila
    • - 1oz triple sec or Cointreau
    • - 1oz fresh squeezed lime juice
    • - 1oz Mango puree or juice
    • - Agave syrup to taste (roughly an 1/20z or so)
    • - 1 teaspoon Shinedown Attention Attention
      Mango Habanero sauce. (Adjust to taste)
    • - Ice cubes
    • - Hardcore Carnivore Chili Lime Seasoning,
      Tajin, or salt for rim (optional)
    • - Lime wedge and mango slice for garnish
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